Irish Mulligan on Wood Base Golf Trophy
mul·li·gan [muhl-u-guh n] -noun: In golf, a shot not counted against the score, permitted in unofficial play to a player whose previous shot was poor. In plain english, a total sucky shot. So sucky they don't even take points away from you because they feel so bad they just let you try again. A Happy Glimore pre-Chubs kind of shot. The kind of shot your 5 year old son makes when you take him to mini golf for the first time and he sinks 10 balls into the murky green pond before you just suggest moving to the next hole. You get the picture? We all have a golf buddy who consistently drives the ball into the sand, water, or woods. What better way to rub it in your friends face than presenting them with the Irish Mulligan Award featuring a golfball sunk as low in a beer as your sad compadre's ego. As with all of our awards, custom engraving is included!
We specialize in custom trophies, so if you would like to add anything to it or on top of your trophy just Contact Us and we will be glad to assist you.
Trophy stands 11" high X 4.5" square